One of my favorite pairs in the Talmud are the Rabbis Hillel and Shammai. These two wise sages loved to disagree. They disputed over Hanukkah candle lighting, Sukkot offerings, Torah study, even the telling of little white lies, such as referring to a less than beautiful bride on her wedding day as ‘fair and […]
The Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) are quickly upon us. In years past, we may have felt as individuals that we are unprepared for the introspection this season demands. This year especially, the demands of our world have made the endeavor of preparing for this season even more pressing and important. Like last year, […]
I stepped up to the bimah at Congregation Sons of Abraham here in La Crosse exactly two years ago. My first year was engaged in getting to know the people, the families, the history and the seasonal rhythms of this warm and loving community. My predecessor – the esteemed Rabbi Simcha Prombaum – had […]
There are those in this world who have earned a reputation for perpetuating bigotry and espousing hatred. We can predict what these people will say before they even open their mouths. When the roles of our leaders blur with the ideals of influencers and celebrities, our collective mission can become stifled by the loudest […]
In anticipation of the revelation at Sinai – the climactic moment of Matan Torah – G-d requested that the Jewish people provide guarantors who will ensure that the Torah remains relevant forever. As related in the Midrash, the Jews first nominated our three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Each one of these spiritual giants […]
In today’s times there are many unbelievable things happening, many sad events, sickness, many tragedies, so much confusion, and we simply don’t know what to make of this! Jewish tradition tells us that before G-d created the world He first studied the Torah and from there He created the world. In a very deep […]
The table is majestically adorned, with the silver candlesticks standing regally at its center. The flames dance with excitement and anticipation. Family and friends hustle about, making sure everything is ready. The children keenly observe and participate; you can feel their sense of wonder and joy. Tonight, we have gathered to tell a magnificent […]
I am a tree. My roots are strong as I try to center myself in this world with a sturdy trunk, both emotionally and physically. My limbs hold the burdens we are afflicted with and joy experienced, yet my branches reach far, for I am nourished by my thirst for life and learning, the […]
“Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?” “That is the only time a man can be brave.” In the first chapter of “Game of Thrones,” Ned Stark responds to his son’s question about the relationship between fear and bravery. One leads to the other. All throughout literature, history and pop culture there are […]
“To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God.” – Victor Hugo, Les Miserables Parashat Beresheet is such a powerful and meaningful portion that we get to read much of it on Simchat Torah and immediately afterwards on the following Shabbat, not to mention the days in between. It contains God speaking […]