Do you support the law recently passed in Israel?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s adviser for world communities said in an op-ed that critics of the nation-state law that passed last month in the Knesset often are “mistaken and misinformed.”
“The accusations about the new law’s effects on Israeli democracy have no connection to the actual content or context of the law,” Sara Greenberg wrote in an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post.
But Arab-Israeli leaders filed a petition with the Supreme Court against the nation-state law. Among the signers were the Arab Higher Monitoring Committee, the umbrella body of Arab-Israeli organizations; lawmakers on the Arab Joint List in the Knesset; and the committee of Arab council heads and mayors, The Times of Israel reported.
The petition says the law is “racist, massively harmful to fundamental human rights and contravenes international human rights norms, especially those forbidding laws that constitute a racist constitution.” It is at least the third challenge filed with the Supreme Court over the law.
What do you think?