Opinions | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle - Part 3


Opinion: What do you see in these faces? I see the roots of early Zionism, and much to wonder over 

Opinion: What do you see in these faces? I see the roots of early Zionism, and much to wonder over 

Posted on: December 5th, 2022 | 11 Kislev 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

Have you traveled to Israel? Maybe more than once. Also bought a State of Israel Bond or planted a tree there. All good, but what did your grandparents and great-grandparents do to support the country, well before it existed?   My mother handed me a faded brown folder, stuffed thick with old family photos. One antique […]

Opinion: Abortion in Torah thought – a lot of gray 

Opinion: Abortion in Torah thought – a lot of gray 

Posted on: October 27th, 2022 | 2 Heshvan 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

  The abortion issue raises raw emotions on both sides of the political spectrum. Strong feelings are often backed up by strong words, from both sides of the aisle, red and blue. When it comes to what the Torah has to say about the issue, oftentimes people might assume that the approach is open and […]

Opinion: In response to hate, I proposed a campaign of love 

Opinion: In response to hate, I proposed a campaign of love 

Posted on: October 27th, 2022 | 2 Heshvan 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

  Three years ago, I was grateful to ascend to the bimah of this loving and warm 100+-year-old shul in the heart of the “Driftless Area” of southeastern Wisconsin. I knew this was a special place. The Driftless Area is so-called because it never experienced the drift of glaciers during the last Ice Age. It […]

Editor’s Desk: Thank you, Jeff German – a product of Jewish Milwaukee, the investigative journalist who was slain in Las Vegas has set an example 

Editor’s Desk: Thank you, Jeff German – a product of Jewish Milwaukee, the investigative journalist who was slain in Las Vegas has set an example 

Posted on: October 4th, 2022 | 9 Tishri 5783 by Rob Golub

  I feel like I knew Jeff German, the Jewish Milwaukee boy who moved to Las Vegas.  I know the type, the fearless journalist who lives in the job. When I was an editor at a daily, I felt like I worried about that reporter on my staff more than they worried about themselves. They […]

Opinion: The antisemitism was real in 1950s Milwaukee – I was there and I remember 

Opinion: The antisemitism was real in 1950s Milwaukee – I was there and I remember 

Posted on: September 30th, 2022 | 5 Tishri 5783 by Special to the Chronicle

I read with interest the article by Alan Wolkenstein, “Antisemitism remembered.” This was a well written article bringing back many memories of my youth. I’m sure that many long time Milwaukee residents recall stories from their parents or grandparents with similar experiences.  My parents faced the same housing discrimination when they searched for housing in […]

First person: My trips to the cemetery – what I learned about mourning, and life 

First person: My trips to the cemetery – what I learned about mourning, and life 

Posted on: September 30th, 2022 | 5 Tishri 5783 by Rob Golub

  My folks would take me along when they visited family who were buried at Mound Zion Cemetery.  When we arrived, usually between the High Holidays, dad would park the car and we would walk to the family plot. Dad would have picked up two small stones and then placed them on the monuments to […]

Opinion: We need stories that represent

Opinion: We need stories that represent

Posted on: September 11th, 2022 | 15 Elul 5782 by Special to the Chronicle

  Our name is the first thing we own when we enter the world. Names honor ancestors, recall favorite characters, evoke nature, and bring joy to those who bestow them. We write our names in crayon on our kindergarten drawings. We scribble it on receipts, carve it into trees, wear it on necklaces, display it […]

Merens: ‘Being written into the book isn’t a final act – it is the first act.’

Merens: ‘Being written into the book isn’t a final act – it is the first act.’

Posted on: September 2nd, 2022 | 6 Elul 5782 by Special to the Chronicle

  As another High Holiday season is upon us, I can’t help but recall what I thought about as we ended last year’s High Holiday season. “I am so hungry!” We all hunger for “things” in our lives. We have physical hunger – such as after a 24-hour fast. We have hunger for loving relationships; […]

Opinion: We fought so hard for equality. We thought we won, and here we are again. We must act. 

Opinion: We fought so hard for equality. We thought we won, and here we are again. We must act. 

Posted on: August 5th, 2022 | 8 Av 5782 by Special to the Chronicle

  I attended my first pride parade when I was 10 days old. On the corner of 15th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, my sister, Emily, and I napped in our shady stroller, which was absolutely covered in miniature rainbow flags.   Countless LGBTQ members and allies stopped to take in what appeared like a […]

Opinion: Less freedom means less dignity – A Jewish American’s concern 

Opinion: Less freedom means less dignity – A Jewish American’s concern 

Posted on: August 5th, 2022 | 8 Av 5782 by Special to the Chronicle

  Depending on circumstance, Halakha regards prospective abortions as permissible or not, advisable, or even required. Halakha takes a balanced view, as it weighs many considerations in play. As an American and a Jew, I have found proper the latitude American law has – from Roe until now – given Americans to approach abortion from […]