“What Do You See? On Purim,” by Bracha Goetz, published by Judaica Press
This is the perfect introduction to Purim for infants to toddlers. This board book highlights everything that is needed to celebrate Purim. Photographs of children in costumes, ingredients to bake hamantashen, different megillahs to read, graggers to count, items for mishloach manot, money to put in a tzedakah box, and a yummy holiday meal to enjoy fill the pages. Highly recommend for home and school.

“Happy Purim, Grover!” by Joni Kibort Sussman, illustrated by Tom Leigh, published by Kar-Ben Publishing
Written by Joni Sussman, the 2023 Sydney Taylor Body-of-Work Award winner and the former editor at Kar-Ben Publishing, fans of Sesame Street will delight in this Purim celebration. This book provides a cuddly overview of the holiday that will delight young children.
Educator and author Liza Wiemer, of Fox Point, has taught in nine of our Milwaukee-area Jewish religious schools and day schools. Her latest novel, “The Assignment,” is appropriate for ages 12 and up.