Chabad of Glendale & River Hills is hosting Myron Sugerman, the son of Jewish mobster Barney “Sugie” Sugerman, for a men’s night on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Sugerman worked as a manager for Meyer Lansky’s organization operating slot machines in the 1970s. He reintroduced the slot machine business into New York City, where it had been outlawed for nearly 40 years, attracting the attention of both the FBI and the bosses of New York‘s five major crime families, according to a news release.
Sugerman is expectd to speak on the impact of organized crime on the American Nazi Party in the 1930s and its role in supplying money and weapons to the Haganah and Irgun during Israel’s struggle for independence.
“We’re excited to bring such a fascinating speaker to the community,” said Rabbi Menachem Deren. “Not only is Myron’s story filled with jaw-dropping moments, it also sheds light on how the Jewish mob viewed the concept of family – fighting antisemitism and serving as protectors for pride rather than money.”
Sugerman is author of “The Chronicles of The Last Jewish Gangster, from Meyer to Myron,” billed as a great story of Jewish heroism, pride and patriotism from the perspective of the last Jewish gangster.
Book sales and signing will follow the lecture. Community members can purchase event tickets for $25 at
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