About 180people flew on a jet chartered by Milwaukee Jewish Federation to the Washington D.C. area and back, all in a day, for the March for Israel on Nov. 14, 2023. Some Wisconsinites met those from the chartered jet at the event. Photos by Rob Golub.
Those who signed up to attend were asked to get to Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport by 4:30 a.m. for a chartered Sun Country Airlines flight. Here, passengers pose before getting onto four buses on the tarmac, after arriving at Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Photo by Rob Golub. Milwaukee shin shins Eitan Mizrahi Groiss and Tom Ram posed for a picture at a bus drop-off point in Washington D.C., before walking over to the National Mall for the March for Israel on Nov. 14, 2023. The pair are serving in the Milwaukee area for a year, before Army service, to connect with Jewish Milwaukeeans at camp, in synagogues and schools, and elsewhere. Holding signs at center, Miryam Rosenzweig, president and CEO of Milwaukee Jewish Federation, and Joan Lubar, chair of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Board, attended the rally with 290,000 other supporters of Israel. Wisconsinite Lloyd Levin, center, watched a screen to see speakers, including family members of hostages, at the March for Israel on the National Mall. Women sang and danced in a circle (as did men), while waiting for a return flight to Milwaukee the night of Nov. 14, after the March for Israel. The mood was jubilant, but exhausted, which made the dancing and singing all the more remarkable!