War intelligence in book | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

War intelligence in book  

Ahead of this year’s anniversary of the Yom Kippur War — which will mark five decades since the historic conflict — the Mossad announced that it would publish a book containing previously classified intelligence that helped lead Israel to victory. Most notably, the book is to provide original documentation of a source dubbed “the Angel,” who infamously warned Israel about an imminent attack.  

The title of the book is inspired by what former Prime Minister Golda Meir reportedly told the Mossad director at the time, Zvi Zamir, upon learning of the intelligence that the agency collected before the war. “When it will be permitted to talk, you and your colleagues will receive a prize,” she said. The title itself, however, has yet to be announced.  

In his remarks at the commemoration event held at Mossad headquarters, Mossad Director David Barnea said, “We must not forget that around us are countries and organizations that are continuing to strengthen in order to threaten our peace here. We must not exaggerate the support of our allies in time of crisis; we will build up our strength and our capabilities. We must not downplay the importance of unity in order to survive. Our strength is in our internal unity.”