Red Cross encourages donations
The American Red Cross Wisconsin Region is urging people to donate blood and platelets due to a recent drop in donation appointments, according to a statement. Any individual over 17 in good health, who weighs over 110 pounds with either a blood donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of identification is eligible to donate blood.
To find a location to donate blood, call 1-800-RED CROSS, go to or download the Red Cross Blood Donor App.
– Noe Goldhaber
Israel approves Wall funds
The Israeli Cabinet approved a proposal to increase the 5-year funding of the Western Wall by $16 million. The proposal will help to improve infrastructure and tourism at the Western Wall, according to an Israeli government news release.
The additional funding is in response to more construction in the Wall area, as well as the discovery of archaeological finds, increased visits by students and soldiers, and new educational activities.
– Noe Goldhaber
Rabbi Berkson’s last service
Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun was scheduled to host Rabbi Marc Berkson’s last service as spiritual leader there, on June 30 for a Shabbat eve service.
The congregation invited members of the Jewish community to honor Berkson’s 24 years of service. Berkson continues as rabbi emeritus and was to be celebrated with an oneg after his final service as leader.
– Noe Goldhaber