“Incredible Shrinking Lunchroom,” by Michal Babay, illustrated by Paula Cohen, published by Charlesbridge Publishing.
Inspired by the Yiddish folktale, It Could Always Be Worse, this delightful picture book centers around a crowded lunchroom that becomes even more crowded throughout the story. The text is witty, smart, funny and certain to make children gasp and laugh. The illustrations are bright, fun, diverse and clever, showcasing the chaos in the lunchroom.
Teachers can use this book to spark students’ imaginations and have them create their own illustrations to showcase what interesting or silly things they would add to the lunchroom.
The book holds a beautiful message for all of us: find ways to be grateful for what we have. Although we all know that things could be much worse, we can also take steps to make things better. I love the writing letter campaign to Ms. Mensch and could also see students being inspired to write their own letters to help improve their school! Highly recommend for every home and classroom.
Educator and author Liza Wiemer, of Fox Point, has taught in nine of our Milwaukee-area Jewish religious schools and day schools. Her latest novel, “The Assignment,” is appropriate for ages 12 and up.