Esther Madelyn Petrillo
Esther Madelyn Petrillo, a girl, was born March 14, 2022. Parents Rebecca Bartlein and Carl Petrillo reside in Seattle, Washington. Sibling Ari Loren Petrillo is 2.
Grandparents Rea Katz and Richard Bartlein are in Mequon and grandparents Linda and Greg Petrillo are in Coupeville, Washington.
Esther’s Hebrew name is Esther Magdala, named in memory of maternal great-grandmother Esther Z. Katz and maternal great, great-grandmother Madelyn Hoey.
Riley Sander Holzman
Riley Sander Holzman, a boy, was born March 6, 2022.
Parents Elizabeth Rosenberg Holzman and Benjamin Holzman are of Rockville, Maryland. Grandparents Ricki and Joe Rosenberg are of Lexington, Kentucky. Grandparents Judy and Charles Holzman reside in Glendale.