Births | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle



Ezra Theodore Jacobson 

Ezra Theodore Jacobson was born May 4, 2021, to parents Elana Frankenthal and Max Jacobson and big sister Sydney. 

Grandparents are Bonnie Malofsky Jacobson, Jack Jacobson, Howard Frankenthal, Jaynie Skadron, and Nancy Frankenthal of blessed memory. 

Ezra’s Hebrew name, Ezra Teva, means nature helper and is in honor of his great grandmother Thelma Malofsky, of blessed memory.   

Ezra Harvey Miller 

Ezra Harvey Miller, a boy, was born June 24, 2021. 

The parents are Dr. Jillian Sinopoli and Daniel Miller, Cleveland, Ohio. The maternal grandmother, Meredith Sinopoli, is in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Maternal grandfather David Sinopoli is in Denver. 

Grandparents Julie E. And Larry Miller are in Cleveland, Ohio 

Great-grandmother Audrienne W. Eder is in Milwaukee. 

Ezra Harvey Miller is named in memory of Harvey P. Eder, great-grandfather, obm.