Do you recognize any of these names? These are wedding and engagement announcements published in editions of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle in 1921, our first year of publication.
We’re kicking off our celebration of 100 years of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle in Milwaukee with this collection of some our first marital announcements. They reflect the culture of the time, and we still have some of the family names in this community.
Here there are, some of our first announcements exactly as they appeared (except for our bolding of the last names) from back in 1921:
Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Eder have returned from an extended wedding tour. They visited Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagra Falls, and on the way backstopped for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eder, Aurora, Ill.
MISS ELIZABETH TURECK Whose engagement to Art J. Mendelsohn has just been announced.
Mrs. Lawrence Jones, formerly Miss Peggy Wittenberg, whose marriage to Mr. Lawrence Jones was an event of December 4th.
Mrs. Bessie Mendeloff, Walnut Street, announces the engagement of her daughter Helen, to Nat Werner, 658 Eighth St.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Gottschalk, nee Sophie Black, have returned from their wedding trip, and are now occupying their apartment in Shore-wood.
The marriage of Miss August Nahin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Nahin, 52nd St. to Mr. Phil Winer, will take place December 29th, at the bride’s residence.
Mrs. M. Mankoff, 12th St, announces the engagement of her daughter Jeanne, to David W. Erens.
The marriage of Miss Edythe Herz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herz, Grant Blvd., will take place on Sunday, December 25th, at the bride’s residence, to be followed by a reception in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fried, Marietta Ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise, to Benjamin K. Engel of Chicago. They will be home informally on Monday, December 26.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Weinstein, 2215 Center St., announce the marriage of their daughter Ada to Dr. S. Granof, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Granof, 8th St., at the home of the bride’s parents on Sunday, December 25th, Rev. Harris Kretchmar, officiating. The young people will be home after the first of the year at 1028-39th Street.
Mrs. M. L. Greenwald, 430 Kane Place, will be at home on Christmas lay in honor of her daughter, Miss Ruth Greenwald, whose engagement to Isador Coons was recently announced.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ackerman, 17th St., held a reception on Sunday, December 11th in honor of the engagement of their daughter, Helen Janet to Harry Mandelker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mandelker, Layton Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traxler, Eighteenth Street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Harry G. Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Franklin, First Avenue.
Miss Gertrude Abraham, Summit Ave., left last Tuesday for New Orleans, where she is to attend the wedding of Miss Theza Hausman Myron Epstein on December 27th.