MILWAUKEE – The Rubenstein Family Kosher Oasis at Ovation Jewish Home, 1410 N. Prospect Ave., now operates entirely on the cholov Yisroel standard of kosher supervision.
Cholov Yisroel dairy products are those that have been milked, processed and packaged under rabbinic supervision.
Under the rabbinical certification of Rabbi Nachman Levine, this change comes with the input of many communal rabbis, leaders and kosher observant families, according to a statement issued by Ovation Communities.

The Oasis is at Ovation Jewish Home, 1400 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee.
“Our residents now have the ability to go out for lunch or dinner with family members who would otherwise only travel to Chicago for cholov Yisroel dining,” said Elizabeth Brach, public relations manager. “This change furthers the mission of the Oasis. We are bringing people together at Ovation Jewish Home by making kosher available for more people in the community.”
Some kosher consumers will only eat, or prefer, dairy products that conform to the cholov Yisroel standard.
“The response from the community around the change has been overwhelmingly positive, and people from every part of the community are excited,” said Rabbi Levi Emmer, who manages kosher observance at Ovation Communities.
The Rubenstein Family Kosher Oasis is open Monday-Friday, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday, 5 -7 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Call the Oasis at 414-277-8813 for more information.