Letter: Some scrap metal firms not mentioned | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

Letter: Some scrap metal firms not mentioned

          I saw the article about Milwaukee Jewish-owned scrap metal businesses in the October Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle. I was very unhappy to see that my business and others were not mentioned.

          I had been in the scrap business for 58 years. I began working with my dad’s company, Wolinsky Iron and Metal, for 17 years when I ventured out on my own from the trunk of my car. Two years later, I opened my own company, Wolin Company, Inc., on 8520 W. Kaul Ave.

          Another one was Milwaukee Scrap, owned by Morrie Mitz. After he died, his business was purchased and its name changed to United Milwaukee.

          There also are other scrap metal businesses in the area that were not mentioned in the article. We all worked very hard, day and night.

Peter Wolin
