Hillel Milwaukee at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is one of the sponsors of a concert to help the victims of the recent tornados in Oklahoma.
The concert will take place Sunday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m. at the Zelazo Center for the Performing Arts on the UWM campus, 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd. Featured groups will be Ambiance, The Steiner Estate, DDBK, The Grasping at Straws, and The Minority.
Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door. All proceeds will go to the United Way of Oklahoma. For more information and to buy advance tickets, call 1-888-71-TICKETS.
The other co-sponsors are the UWM Peck School of the Arts and the UWM Center for Community-Based Learning, Leadership and Research.