Letter: Former shlichim invite Chronicle readers on mission | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

Letter: Former shlichim invite Chronicle readers on mission

Dear Milwaukee friends:

         We are extremely excited about the coming community mission to Israel.

         Missions to Israel are one of the highlights of the relationship between the Milwaukee Jewish community and the State of Israel. They are the ultimate opportunity to get up-close and personal with the Jewish state while bonding with members of your home community.

         We are so excited to learn that the Milwaukee Jewish community — our home away from home — is again demonstrating its strong commitment to the Jewish state by visiting many of the cultural, religious, and historical highlights of Israel.

         This mission is doing that and much more by transcending the boundaries of a standard trip. Participants will meet officials, professionals and experts at the forefront of Israeli society — and get to experience contemporary Israel with its innovation, creativity, risk-taking, and boundless warmth.

         Through our collective years in Milwaukee as community shlichim (Israel emissaries), we enjoyed the strong personal and formal bonds between your community in the Midwest and our shared home in the Mideast. Those personal relationships enrich us as individuals and strengthen the thread of peoplehood globally.

         As shlichim who served in Milwaukee, we are grateful for how our experiences expanded our perspectives on Jewish peoplehood and shaped our life choices. We are different — better — people because of our relationships in Milwaukee and the life lessons we learned there.

         We are eager to see you and to welcome you to our home in Israel.

Rabbi Nir Barkin
Alon Galron
Rakefet Ginsberg
Paz Goldschmidt

         Rabbi Nir Barkin, Alon Galron, Rakefet Ginsberg, and Paz Goldschmidt are former Israel emissaries to Milwaukee.