‘Go Down Moses’: Feiler’s new book takes on ‘America’s Prophet’
| October 30, 2009 | 12 Heshvan 5770 | 12 Heshvan 5770Review of Bruce Feiler’s new book, “America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story."
The spotlight at last week’s Democratic Party convention in Denver may have been on nominee Barack Obama and other politicos. But an associated event little remarked in the news media foreshadowed something that will be happening in Milwaukee this weekend. That event was a meeting of the National Jewish Democratic Council on Aug. 24 at Auraria Campus, home to three Denver colleges and to a Golda Meir House Museum that recalls the two years that Israel’s Milwaukee-raised fourth prime minister spent going to high school in that city. And it was only appropriate that at that site,...
Review of Bruce Feiler’s new book, “America’s Prophet: Moses and the American Story."
Marissa Steinhofer, who is mid-way through a ten-month teaching stint in Ashdod, Israel.
Museum exhibit recalls World War II era cartoonist
About the Jewish War Veterans of Wisconsin
%u2022 Eligibility: An honorable career in the United States or Israeli military
%u2022 Dues: $50 a year
%u2022 Contact: Kim Queen, state commander, 414-313-0297 or rocksog@sbcglobal.net
%u2022 For more info: JW