“The Promise,” by Bridget Hodder and Fawzia Gilani-Williams, illustrated by Cinzia Battistel, published by Kar-Ben Publishing
This touching story is about two friends—a Muslim boy named Hassan and a Jewish boy named Jacob—and their respect and love for one another. Set in Morocco during World War II, this book is inspired by true events. Jacob and Hassan create a spectacular garden where they not only nourish their friendship, but bring beauty into this world. When the Moroccan government forces Jacob and his family to leave their country, Hassan promises Jacob to always take care of the garden. Years later, they’re reunited. The story contains numerous important lessons for young readers about the true meaning of friendship and respect for other peoples’ faiths. Do not miss this memorable picture book.
“She’s a Mensch: Jewish Women Who Rocked the World,” y Rachelle Burk and Alana Barouch, illustrated by Arielle Trenk, published by Intergalactic Afikoman
Jewish women are celebrated in this wonderful picture book. From famous people like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Henrietta Szold to those less known like Vera Rubin and April N. Baskin, readers are introduced to amazing women who have changed this world. The authors provide a solid foundation for each person’s accomplishments. The “Fun Facts to Mensch’n” are clever and interesting. The illustrator did an incredible job portraying each woman to highlight their contributions to society. This book evokes a sense of Jewish pride and will inspire readers to pursue their dreams.
Educator and author Liza Wiemer, of Fox Point, has taught in nine of our Milwaukee-area Jewish religious schools and day schools. Her latest novel, “The Assignment,” is appropriate for ages 12 and up.