MILWAUKEE — These are guidelines for reporting antisemitic incidents, from the Jewish Community Relations Council, a program of Milwaukee Jewish Federation.
Guidelines for reporting antisemitic incidents
What is considered antisemitic activity? Antisemitic activity includes overt acts of expressions of anti-Jewish bigotry and hostility. Many incidents are not crimes. Activity can generally be categorized as follows:
- Expression — Written or verbal communication by groups or individuals, including public, elected, or religious figures. Includes publicly or privately directed letters, phone conversations, articles, speeches, e-mail or other online communication.
- Vandalism — Desecration, vandalism or other criminal activity against property.
- Harassment, Threats, and Assaults – Directed at individuals or institutions.
- Discrimination — Employment, education, housing, or organizational membership.
- Hate Group Activity — Rallies, recruitment, or other activities organized or sponsored by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, Skinhead, or other White Supremacist groups.
- These are not exhaustive or exclusive. The JCRC encourages you to report all incidents. Submit original documents, recordings, transcriptions of conversations, police reports, photographs, flyers, etc.,to verify or substantiate reports.
How does the JCRC use the information?
- The professional staff attempts to verify or corroborate all incidents.
- The JCRC “respects all re- quests for anonymity and/or confidentiality by those re- porting incidents.”
- The JCRC refrains from publishing or otherwise making available the names of individual victims or perpetrators. This policy may exclude pub- lic figures or comments made in the public domain.
- The JCRC may intervene or provide follow-up on reported incidents, but only in conjunction with the reporting party. This is done on a case-by-case basis.
- Based on reported incidents, the JCRC prepares and distributes an annual audit of antisemitic incidents to local Jewish organizations, agencies and synagogues, local media and national organizations, as deemed appropriate.
- The information is used to develop educational and outreach programming.
How to report an antisemitic incident or activity
Report online at
Call Allison Hayden at 414-390-5781 or email
Report suspicious activity to police or call 911 in case of emergency. For more on the sign of terrorism-related suspicious activity, visit