Canstruction challenges Milwaukee-area architects and engineers to design and build giant structures made entirely of canned food, according to Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center.
Following a public exhibition of the artistic creations and a juried awards
Canstruction racing sausages from 2014.
ceremony, the food will be donated to the Jewish Community Pantry.
Milwaukee-area architectural and engineering firms GRAEF, Hunzinger Construction Company, Plunkett Raysich Architects, and Korb and Associates, are scheduled to participate in the competition. They will unveil their designs – under the theme of “Food” – and begin building at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2 in the rotunda of Milwaukee City Hall.
The canned food sculptures will be on display throughout the week, with a juried awards ceremony and reception scheduled to take place on Dec. 5.