To submit an event for consideration write to by the 15th for the monthly edition arriving in homes about two weeks later. Include date, time, location, a description, contact information and whether the event is free or what is charged.
Wednesday, Aug. 2
Rosenblatt family panel
“It Runs in the Family: Art and the Rosenblatts.” Aug. 2, 7 p.m. Adolph Rosenblatt, husband, father, artist and educator, inspired his entire family to pursue individual artistic visions. Join the museum for a panel discussion with the family. Wife Suzanne, daughter Sarah, and sons Eli and Joshua will talk about growing up with art as a central part of their lives and how Adolph’s life, philosophy and legacy influences their creative endeavors to this day. Suzanne is a poet, artist and lover of music and dance. Daughter Sarah is a poet and therapist. Son Eli imported Asian artifacts via his store Art Asia for many years and now manages Scathain, a fabrication and design business. Son Joshua is the head preparator at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. “In the Flow” by Rosenblatt family friend Ron Taylor, will be screened and includes interviews with Adolph. Offered in connection with “Moments & Markers: An Adolph Rosenblatt Retrospective,” an exhibit on display at the Jewish Museum Milwaukee through Aug. 27. Jewish Museum Milwaukee, a program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, is at 1360 N. Prospect Ave. Museum hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (open until 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month); Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. 414-390-5730. Museum admission: Adults $7; seniors $6; students $4; children age 6 and under are free; active duty military are free.
Friday, Aug. 4
Summer concert
Kerry Hart Bieneman is a pianist, music director and singer. She enjoys singing classical, musical theatre, pop and jazz. Be ready for a little Gershwin. Aug. 4. 8 p.m. Part of the Congregation Shalom summer series. Free and open to the public. No ticket necessary, but seating is limited. Box dinners are offered at $10 each for dining at 7:15 p.m. prior to the concert, or feel free to bring your own. Dinner RSVP at least one week before event. Congregation Shalom, 7630 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Fox Point. 414-352-9288.
Tuesday, Aug. 8
Tour ecology center
Exclusive tour of Urban Ecology Center with Israeli. Join the Israel Center of Milwaukee Jewish Federation for an intimate guided tour of the Urban Ecology Center and meet Maria Gretsky, an UEC intern from Sovev Kinneret, the local community’s partnership region in Israel. This free event takes place Aug. 8, 6 p.m. at Urban Ecology Center, 1500 E. Park Place, Milwaukee. RSVP required at or contact Allison Hayden at or 414-390-5724.
JCC Summer Carnival
Visit the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center Courtyard, on the east side of the Karl Community Campus in Whitefish Bay, for a Summer Carnival! Kids of all ages will enjoy carnival rides, inflatable rides, magician, face painting, games, balloon artist, food trucks and more! Admission to the Summer Carnival is free and open to the public; food and carnival rides available for purchase. Aug. 8, 5-7:30 p.m. 6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd. in Whitefish Bay. 414-967-8200.
Thursday, Aug. 10
Milwaukee Jewish Federation Annual Meeting
Celebrate “We Are Family” at the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Annual meeting on Aug. 10 at Congregation Sinai, 8223 N. Port Washington Rd. Free and open to all. A reception with desserts and wine (dietary laws observed) begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by the program from 7:15-8:15 pm. The program will include a year in review and recognition of award winners, outgoing and incoming board members. Event co-chairs are Henry “Pat” Kerns and Daniel Kerns. RSVP at or contact Ashleigh Lund at or 414-390-5741.
Wednesday, Aug. 16
Scholar on Rosenblatt
“Sculpted Realities: Adolph Rosenblatt in Perspective.” Aug. 16, 7 p.m. From the perspective of art history, Rosenblatt’s work follows in the legacy of other artists. Also, perspective plays a complex role in Rosenblatt’s sculpture. Sarah C. Schaefer is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Art History at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Her work examines modern religious visual culture and she is currently at work on a book that examines the biblical imagery of 19th-century French artist Gustave Doré. Offered in connection with “Moments & Markers: An Adolph Rosenblatt Retrospective,” an exhibit on display at the Jewish Museum Milwaukee through Aug. 27. Jewish Museum Milwaukee, a program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, is at 1360 N. Prospect Ave. Museum hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (open until 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month); Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. 414-390-5730. Museum admission: Adults $7; seniors $6; students $4; children age 6 and under are free; active duty military are free.
Thursday, Aug. 17
Healthy living
Learn about healthy living for your brain and body. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. Event held Aug. 17, 2 p.m., Ovation Sarah Chudnow in Mequon. RSVP 262-478-1500. Register by Aug. 14.
Sunday, Aug. 20
Rabbi, senator book talk
Milwaukee’s own Rabbi Steven Foster and his wife, former Colorado state Sen. Joyce Foster will be doing a book talk and signing, at Congregation Emanu El B’ne Jeshurun, 2020 W. Brown Deer Road. Rabbi Foster grew up at Emanu-El and still has family in the area. Rabbi Foster spent his entire 40-year rabbinate at Temple Emanuel in Denver, becoming rabbi emeritus when he retired in 2010. Joyce was the first Jewish woman elected to the Denver City Council, where she served for 10 years, including as council president. She was elected to the Colorado Senate in 2008, and served a four year term. They will be speaking about their book, “The Rabbi and the Senator Sleep Together: Marrying Religion and Politics.” The event is co-sponsored by CEEBJ and other area Reform congregations. This event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for purchase. Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m. 2020 W. Brown Deer Road, River Hills. 414-228-7545.
Sunday, Aug. 27
Golda murder mystery
See a play by Obie Award-winning playwright Jody Hirsh. As part of the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center’s Jewish Artists’ Laboratory Exhibition, “Outside, Inside: Exploring Boundaries and Otherness,” the Lab will present the world premiere of Hirsh’s “The Great Golda Meir Murder

“The Great Golda Meir Murder Mystery” will take place locally.
Mystery.” The play explores the vulnerabilities of a group of Russian Jewish Immigrants arriving in Milwaukee and the tensions among the different divisions within the Jewish community at the turn of the century. Hirsh has written and performed in Jewish murder mystery events all over the world including Moscow, Russia, Nottingham, England, Hong Kong and San Francisco. His play “The King Herod Murder Mystery,” performed at David’s Tower Museum in Jerusalem, is Israel’s longest running play. The first performance, a benefit for the Jewish Artists’ Lab, will be Aug. 27 in a period-appropriate home on Milwaukee’s historic East Side. Attendees are encouraged to dress in 1914 attire and be part of solving the mystery. Tickets $100. The second performance will be Monday, Aug. 28, at the JCC, 6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Whitefish Bay. Open to the entire community, tickets are $25. More information and ticket purchasing can be found at
Monday, Aug. 28
Nickoll Award Luncheon celebrates Cohn
The Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Benjamin E. Nickoll Young Leadership Award Luncheon will celebrate recipient David Cohn on Aug. 28. The Federation has presented the award since 1962. It is given to a young man who demonstrates exemplary leadership within the Jewish community. It was established to honor Ben Nickoll, a leader of the MJF and Jewish community in the 1940s and 1950s. $40. Dietary laws observed. Noon-1:30 p.m. The Pfister Hotel, 424 E. Wisconsin Ave. Learn more or register at or call Ashleigh Lund at 414-390-5741.
Golda murder mystery
See Aug. 27 listing.
Tuesday, Aug. 29
Golf in Madison
Join Jewish Experience of Madison for a 6th annual Golf Classic, at the River Club in Mequon on Aug. 29. This year’s chairmen are Dr. Harvey Bock, Jim Deshur, Dr. Jordan Mandel, Todd Miller and Dr. David Sandock. To sponsor a hole or join them contact Rocky Anton at 414-708-6353 or
Wednesday, Aug. 30
Guardian of Israel dinner
The Jewish National Fund is hosting its first annual Guardian of Israel Award Dinner in Wisconsin at The River Club of Mequon on Wednesday, Aug. 30. The event will honor Enid Bootzin Berkovits and Rusti Hansher Moffic with JNF’s Guardian of Israel Award, and Hilary Miller with the Young Leadership Award. The Wisconsin Guardian of Israel Chair is Susan Pittelman. The Guardian of Israel Award is a humanitarian award given in recognition of outstanding community involvement, dedication to the preservation of the environment, and the protection of natural habitats. The dinner will also feature special guest speaker Jessica Abo, an award-winning journalist, a respected social entrepreneur, and one of Jewish National Fund’s most in-demand speakers. In 2014, Abo traveled to high schools across the country to speak with teenagers about the dangers of bullying. The first annual Wisconsin Guardian of Israel Award Dinner will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 30 at The River Club of Mequon, 12400 North Ville Du Parc Drive, Mequon. RSVP is required by Aug. 18. Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased online at For more information, please contact Kim Levy at 847.656.8880 x763.
Thursday, Sept. 7
Holocaust reparations talk
A nationally recognized expert in the field of German reparations and restitution will present “Behind the Legal Battle for Holocaust Reparations & Restitution” on Sept. 7. William R. Marks, Esq., who has represented over 20,000 survivors worldwide, began specializing in Holocaust-related compensation claims against Germany 20 years ago, after his historic success in the case of American Holocaust Survivor Hugo Princz. This free program starts at 7 p.m. at Ovation Jewish Home – Rubenstein Pavilion, 1414 N. Prospect Ave. It is sponsored by Lee Marnett, Marvin & Barbara Tick, Anthony & Beth Ann Waite, Jewish Family Services, Ovation Communities, Nathan & Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center and Milwaukee Jewish Federation. RSVP at or call Brittany Hager McNeely at 414-963-2714. CLE credit applied for, courtesy of MJF’s Cardozo Society.
Thursday, Sept. 14
Campaign Kick-Off Celebration features NPR correspondent
NPR’s national political correspondent Mara Liasson will headline the Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s 2018 Annual Campaign Kick-Off Celebration on Sept. 14. Held at The Pfister Hotel – Imperial Ballroom, 424. E. Wisconsin Ave., the event begins at 6:30 p.m. with a dessert reception (dietary laws observed). Cost is $18. Purchase tickets by Sept. 7 at or call Ashleigh Lund at 414-390-5741. Co-chairs are Lauri Roth and Judith Coran.
Alcoholics Anonymous
An international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. Meetings are held at multiple times and locations around the city, including 7 p.m. Monday night, Chabad-Lubavitch, 3901 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee. To find other meeting times and locations, call 414-771-9119, the local office of Alcoholics Anonymous or go to
Friendship House Fellowship
A support group for Jewish men and women in recovery from addiction to alcohol or other substances. Requirements for membership are participation in a 12-step program (such as AA or Narcotics Anonymous) and a desire to recover. Meetings are Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at The Shul, 3901 N. Lake Drive in Milwaukee.
Jewish Family Services
Outpatient mental health services to people dealing with personal problems and mental health issues. Contact Beth Shapiro, intake coordinator, at 414-390-5800. JFS is located at 1300 N. Jackson St., Milwaukee.
Jewish Grief Group
The Jewish Grief Group, under the auspices of Jewish Family Services, is open to all. Wednesdays, 12 – 1 p.m. It rotates among three local synagogues. Call Beth at Jewish Family Services, 414-390-5800, to register.
North Shore Al-Anon
North Shore Al-Anon no longer holds weekly meetings, but if interested contact Gerald Melnick at