6 Reasons to Become a Friend of the Chronicle | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

6 Reasons to Become a Friend of the Chronicle

#1. Get breaking news in social media like this article that was posted at 2 am on Facebook and Twitter: Ethics aside, Madison student council criticizes Israel. Ultimately the story was picked up by international news sources.

#2. Read stories that have received Wisconsin’s most prestigious recognition for journalism, the Milwaukee Press Club’s Excellence in Journalism Awards. Editor Rob Golub competed with major publications like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Milwaukee Magazine to win silver award Best Single Editorial or Opinion for Remember the Holocaust and other genocides, too and a bronze award for Best Critical Review for ‘There are Jews Here’ is a tender avalanche.

#3. Learn about local news that you cannot find anywhere but the Chronicle, such as coverage of the Sherman Park riots from the Jewish perspective: After the riots, ‘tremendous positive energy’ and Torahs moved during Milwaukee riots.

#4. Find out about your friends’ and families’ life cycle events: births, b’nai mitzvah, dedications, engagements, obituaries, students, weddings and workplace.

#5. Read features about local Jews (Alcoholism sweeps away a life, with a Jewish recovery and the Teen Leaders series) and local Jewish organizations (Jewish Museum Milwaukee and STARS at the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center.)

#6. Learn about events that you might not hear about but won’t want to miss: Peter Max to appear with his psychedelic art and Women of the Wall co-founder to speak here.


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