The Jewish Community Relations Council of Milwaukee Jewish Federation issued the following statement:
Jewish Community Opposes Executive Orders Targeting Immigrants and Refugees
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation opposes President Trump’s executive orders that would stop entry for refugees from predominantly Muslim countries, halt federal funding for “sanctuary cities,” and expand detention for immigrants and asylum seekers.
Guided by our history as refugees and our shared biblical and prophetic mandate to protect and welcome the stranger, the American Jewish community has always been a stakeholder in refugee resettlement and protection. Moreover, the moral concept of sanctuary for those who fear death at the hands of repressive regimes is ingrained in the Jewish tradition.
Throughout our history, the United States has been a beacon of hope for persecuted people. Resettled refugees have a historical track record of embracing American values and boosting the economies of the communities where they settle. Now, when there are more refugees in the world than at any other time in recorded history, we cannot betray some of our country’s most basic values.
“This action is troubling not only because of its treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers,” said JCRC Chair Michael Pollack, “but for its effect of instilling fear and insecurity among existing immigrant communities.”
JCRC Director Elana Kahn said, “We understand the complex issues of national security. They must be addressed in a reasonable and compassionate way without undermining one of our nation’s core purposes — providing a home for immigrants.”
The JCRC speaks as the representative voice of the Milwaukee Jewish community on issues of public affairs and public policy.