Ode to Jewish studies | Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle

Ode to Jewish studies

Throughout my time at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I have been fortunate enough to be a part of the Center for Jewish Studies.

The courses I have taken range from Holocaust courses, to learning about women in the bible and overall Judaism as a whole. Each one has taught me something that I can take with me in my every day life.

The first Jewish studies course I took was “Introduction to Judaism” with the most influential professor I have had, Dana Margolis. I was convinced before this course, that I knew all there was to know about being Jewish but let me tell you I was wrong.

To be honest I didn’t know the Jewish calendar went by the moon, but as I sat in this class and listened to what the teacher and everyone else had to say I realized I had a lot to learn.

Margolis taught me throughout this course that there is always something else to learn from Judaism. I was so inspired by her teaching and her knowledge of each topic that I followed it up with another course and then another and another.

One that especially stood out was, “The Ten Commandments.” Once again, I figured I knew what the Ten Commandments were but in reality there was more I didn’t know about the commandments, than that I actually did know.

The Holocaust course I am currently finishing up with Rachel Baum, Ph.D., is an amazing look at the Shoah. Each class, Dr. Baum has a new reading about victims, survivors or perpetrators of the Holocaust. We have also watched inspiring and educational films. Baum’s courses never fail to entertain and educate me.

As I approach my last semester of college in the fall, I can’t believe I won’t be able to take another Jewish/Hebrew studies course at UWM. The teachers are the ones who have made my experience and knowledge what it is today. I will take this knowledge from them with me on my journey throughout my own Jewish life.

I highly recommend getting involved in Jewish or Hebrew studies at UWM. The experience is like no other; the professors are brilliant and the material is powerful and unforgettable.

Amie Londer is a senior majoring in journalism.